Monday, June 1, 2015

Novela Mexicana

Dear Family,

I can't believe Pablo is home!!! Really, this is so crazy! Give him a bigger hug than the ones he is giving you!

Man o man o man, this week was full of excitement. I've never seen a Mexican novela, but I feel like I was in a missionary novela this whole week!

The picture doesn't show the length,
sorry about that. La Hermana wanted to
style it when she finished cutting it.
So, let's start with Monday: I've been need of a trim, so I went to a recently married sister in the ward to have her trim my hair (Hna. Pech needed to cut her hair, too). Ahhh! The wonderful sister CUT MY HAIR OFF! She decided to turn the trim into a brand new hair style without telling me (there was no mirror in front of me, I didn't know!). My hair now is now a bit below my shoulders and she gave me bangs! my hair was past my elbow.... and alas! Haha. I wanted to cry in shock and despair! Oh well, hair grows. The good thing is that she did a good job, that it doesn't look bad. Also, it's gotten even a bit more curly because there's less hair (sniff sniff). She did a great job, but both Hna. Pech and I have been struggling all week trying to find a way to "work our new do."

Tuesday, we had a day long "seminary" with another zone. It was absolutely amazing! We had trainings, spiritual activities, etc. It was a great reminder that we all need to improve the way we teach so that our lessons can be more spiritual and more powerful.

Then, we had "divisions" with the most amazing sisters ever! Really, I love my zone so much. The two sisters are perfect examples of diligence and obedience, it was so much fun being with them. 

Also, Lucila was supposed to have her interview on Thursday, but, due to work and a phone that didn't work, she couldn't make it to the church and couldn't contact us. We went over later in the afternoon to see her, when she told us that she was getting married!! WHAT?!?! It was such a huge surprise, and there was no time on Friday, due to her surprise wedding, to have the interview.  I feel like the Lord is telling us, once again, that we need to let Him take control of the situation. The Spirit was telling me these past days that we needed to wait another week, and I'm glad that things are working out as they need to. So, part 2 of this continuing story will take place next week.

Me cleaning the bathroom.
We had a combined activity with another Ward on Saturday to deep clean the church building. Hna. Pech and I were stressing a tad to make sure everything was in order for the activity, but in the end, it turned out FANTASTIC! Both wards were so excited to clean the building, and it was a wonderful experience serving all together. Haha. I volunteered us to clean the bathrooms :) (I'm so glad that my parents taught me to clean!)  We had less actives and investigators come, so it was even more meaningful. Our wonderful friends had a great time getting to know all the other members. Everything is looking brighter in Macapule! 

To celebrate the wonderful 12 months that have past, Hna. Pech and I burned skirts! We both have skirts that can no longer be used, so we used the numbered matches we have to try to make a small fire in the back of our house. Guess who are not boy scouts.... ya... we had no idea how to make a fire, it was so sad! But we did the best that we could. Haha. Hna. Pech tried burning her skirt while wearing it... it wasn't the best idea, but no one got hurt :)
The heat has started up again. Wow! It gets so hot! Our air conditioning worked only once, so we've been using fans and have opened the windows to not die of heat. It's around 97 degrees in the house when we go to bed, and around 88 when we wake up. Haha. We've decided to move our mattresses to the front room to open more windows and take advantage of the cooler air that's outside. 

We had an awesome Gospel Doctrine class on Sunday about repentance. Every week, more and more people have decided to join the class. Our new friends are loving it! Haha. The members are loving it too because we bring cookies once in a while.

We had the most amazing lesson with an amazing family this week! I felt like I was in "The District"! The dad got everyone together to listen and we were able to teach the whole family. They asked amazing questions, understood, and are accepting to learn more. There were so interested in reading the Book of Mormon, it blew my mind! It's amazing helping people learn how to make covenants with our Father in Heaven.

I love this work! This week was absolutely crazy, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It is such an honor to be able to serve the Lord and to literally be put into the refiner's fire to discover how to better appreciate the Savior's atonement.

Hermana Zubeldia

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