Monday, May 25, 2015

That was a miracle, too

Dear friends and family,

Whenever I think of the miracles that happen on the mission, the song from Fiddler on the Roof, "Miracles," always comes to my mind. It's so upbeat and inspiring, helping us see that Heavenly Father is always blessings us and He wants us to be as happy as can be.

Heavenly Father loves Macapule so much! We got to see some major progress in our area and in our investigators. The puzzle pieces are coming together quickly and beautifully. We've been working hard and our hope and faith have kept us going. I'm so excited to see some of our wonderful friends finally make the decision they have known to be right. The Holy Ghost persuaded 10 of our dear friends to church this Sunday (5 almost members and 5 less actives), and it was amazing seeing the members talk to all of them and show them the love of Christ. Gospel Doctrines class has never been as full as it was this past Sunday (it was so much fun!) and I thank my Heavenly Father for all the tender mercies he has given us! 

Trimming our tree. Here in Mexico,
we trim trees with machetes, not saws.
It´s pretty great :)
Our house became the priesthood service project for the month (Hooray!!) Our neighbors have a horrible tree that drops a plethora of dead leaves in our yard every single day, making our house an eyesore. Hna. Pech, tired of raking leaves on Monday, asked the ward if we could do something about it and, after asking permission from the neighbors, of course, 5 priesthood holders came and helped us trim the tree. Hooray! It was so fun helping out and making our house look a bit more like a missionaries' home. It was also hilarious when our neighbors from across the street brought out chairs to watch us, then offered us a broom so we could continue to keep on working (of course, they didn't ask us if they could help, they would rather watch ). 

Sisters! Sisters! There were never such devoted sisters!
We're missing a pair of sisters in this picture,
but here are some of the wonderful women
in our zone. I love these girls!
Hna Pech and I got permission to get together as sister missionaries in the zone to watch a movie this morning (hooray!) We popped popcorn, brought salsa for the popcorn (gross), juice, and cookies, and headed to the church after studying. Haha we wanted to watch either "17 miracles" or "Emma Smith" because these are movies that have been approved by our mission, but to no avail. We couldn't get the TV to work properly, so we ended up watching a movie about the restoration. It was so funny to see their faces when they discovered that we were going to watch a movie that we all have pretty much memorized, but we all had a great time! It was fun being together The Restoration is such an important part of this gospel! Every time I think about how the gospel has been restored or when I watch the movie, I can't help be in awe thinking Joseph Smith actually saw Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. He was truly called as a prophet of God, and we really do have a prophet today! Wow! It's so amazing being part of this church!

I love you all so much! Give my brother, Elder Zubeldia, a big hug when you see him! He is the most amazing example to me and it's an honor to call him one of my older brothers!

Hermana Zubeldia

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