Today has been a great day for two reasons: I entered the MTC exactly 2 months ago and it's my two adorable little sisters' birthday today! Happy birthday Sofía and Soraya!!! I love you two so much! Eat a good homemade cake for me!
We saw so many miracles this week! Eight of them is that eight of our investigators came to church!!! O my goodness gracious! The Lord has blessed this area more than I can even imagine. One of them, María Jesus, came for the second time even though we weren't able to teach her at all last week. She and her kids are loving going to church and we are going to be working on getting her husband to accompany her this Sunday. She tells us that he'll come around. I love seeing her faith!
Another investigator, the great guy with the Word of Wisdom problems, also came :). La Famila Castro Morales came with three friends from out of town. La Familia Castro Morales is an elderly (well, not really elderly... late 60s...) couple who saved us from a rainstorm two weeks ago. They were very interested in the church because they have family who are members. They asked if someone could bless their home and we went with a member of the bishopbric this week. When we arrived, they had their three guests there. The Spirit was super strong and la Hna. Shiraki and I discovered that all five of them are "escogidos". Sadly, their guests are not from Obregon, but I have no doubt that they will accept the Gospel as soon as they go home and we pass their references on. Like I have been telling my ward here for the past two Sundays, some plant the seeds, some nourish the seeds, and some reap the fruit. I feel so blessed that the Lord has allowed me to help plant and nourish the seeds in this family!
A funny moment of the week was yesterday when a sketchy black car stopped by us. The driver, a guy in his early 20s, rolled down his window and started talking to us in English. The first thing he said was, "You're from SLC! Me too! Fistbump!" He told us that he had attended SLCC, had lived in Utah for two years, and that he had bought a car in Kaysville. He then asked Hna. Shiraki if she was a Mexican because she is insanely tan right now. Hna. Shiraki and I had a good laugh about it after. I feel like we're going to be fistbumping each other for the rest of our missions.
So, we totally condemned a woman and her son this week. They were lively Catholics and were interested in hearing out words. We gave them the first lesson and they believed what we were saying, but they happily rejected the Book of Mormon. They accepted the truths, but rejected knowing more or try to gain their own testimonies. It was so weird. They were so happy to invite us in and deny the true church. Oh well, I guess we will see what happens on judgment day... I feel that 2 Nephi 33:10-15 explains how I felt.
Love you!
Hna. Zubeldia
Carne asada! It's steak in a taco! Genius! |
This is the one and only day on my mission that I had my hair down. A member of the 70 came to speak with us and all of us sisters got dressed up. Hna. Shiraki and I enjoyed our only glamour shot of the mission.